RC34 - Quality of Democracy

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International Workshop "The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its Impact on Human Rights Compliance along the 'New Silk Road'"

On 16 May 2022, RC34 co-organized a workshop on the BRI's Impact on Human Rights, a follow-up on the 2021 IPSA RC34/OSCE Academy workshop on 'China's BRI: curse or blessing for democracy?'. The event took place at Maecenata Foundation in Berlin, Germany, with both face-to-face and online participation. 

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International Workshop "China's Belt and Road Initiative: curse or blessing for democracy in Eurasia?"

From 12-14 March 2021, RC34 held the international workshop “China's Belt and Road Initiative: curse or blessing for democracy in Eurasia?”, hosted by the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, and organized by Brigitte Weiffen (The Open University, Milton Keynes, and Chair of RC34) and Anja Mihr (OSCE Academy Bishkek). 

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International Workshop "Rising Democracies, Interrupted"

From 1-3 June 2020, RC34 organized the Interrnational Workshop "Rising Democracies, Interrupted".

With a focus on the fate and role of “rising democracies”, the workshop studied the current crisis of democracy, 

Watch the video of the Opening Roundtable "The quality of democracy in times of Covid-19"

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RC 34 Perfomed a Seminar in Chile: “Quality of Democracy: NEW RESEARCH AGENDA”

Seminar “Quality of Democracy: NEW RESEARCH AGENDA”

Santiago de Chile, September 14th and 15th, 2016


The development of democratic quality in Latin America displays a mixed record. Latin Americans today live in freer and more democratic countries than ever before, nearly all Latin American countries have resumed a growth path and most governments are governing more effective than their predecessors did. At the same time, scholars state a persistently low quality of democracy across a large number of countries.


Organizers with Chilean President, Ms Michelle Bachelet


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Conference “Communication, Democracy and Digital Technology”, Rovinj (Croatia) | 2-3 October 2015

RC 34 together with RC 10 (Electronic Democracy), RC 22 (Political Communication) and the University of Zaghreb will organize a conference on "Communication, Democracy and Digital Technology" in Rovinj (Croatia) from 2 to 3 October 2015.

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IPSA World Congress 2014

We thank all members of Research Committee 34 for joining our panels on the IPSA World Congress 2014 in Montreal. It was a pleasure to discuss a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives on “Quality of Democracy” and to see that we could successfully continue the cooperative and productive work we started in this Committee in Madrid 2012.

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International Workshop “Measuring Democracy”

International Workshop “Measuring Democracy” held from 29 September to 1 October 2013 in Frankfurt, Germany

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IPSA World Congress 2012

Looking back on the IPSA 2012 conference in Madrid we thank all members of Research Committee 34 for their participation and their contribution, which resulted in fruitful discussions and an inspiring atmosphere.

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